Peru, Ayacucho,
FR : L'exposition collective s'organise et se monte en peu de jours. J'ai choisi de parler de la femme suite aux évènements terroristes en France. Je me suis senti dans le devoir d'exprimer mes questionnements personnels : ce que je garde de l'enfance, mes ambitions, contraintes et obligations d'aujourd'hui.
La thématique qui est ressorti de cette opus, est l'art engagé, avec des critiques directes et indirectes du monde, corruption, consommation, culture, prostitution.
EN : The idea of the interactive and evolutive installation is born because of a workshop proposition.
I wanted to work with local people and share a space, making it more living space, for the school of art students, local artists and including audience as well to exchange opinions on art and world.
I oriented the works to be more acessible for the audience. The whole installation is made by joinning differents views and works.
In this collective installation you can see in the center the main piece, a tree of life « yunza ». I integrate this strong symbol of the andin culture. At time of carnival and to join all the community, a tree is orned of rubans of colours. Party and dance take place all around him.
So all around this tree made of the typical whool, you have all the particular work of art of different local students and artists I work with.
On the left you have a triangle made by drawings, then a table presents drawings and paintings as it was at work. On the ground, above a rich gold textil, I have put typical potatoes, symbolising the richessness of the ground of Peru; his market and cosmology. Then in the center you found the tree of life with typical textil and a knitting. It invits the audience to take place as there were in the country side, because there the poeple used to do this. The knitting talk about the transmition of the handycraft, it has a big signification in the traditional inca culture. On those textil you got many information about the person who wear it. It’s a trace and kind of language. As I recieved it from my peruvian mother, who recieved it from her own mother too, I thought it was very important symbol for the transmission of peruvian culture.