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PEDAGOGY - Workshops

transmission et rencontre

Spain 2019

France 2019

Germany 2018

Indonesia 2017-2018

Peru  2015-2016

SPAIN - Final Fresque, 4yo
SPAIN - Final big Drawing, 4yo
SPAIN - Palau Catalonia, 4yo
SPAIN - Palau Catalonia, 4yo
SPAIN - Palau Catalonia, 4yo dance
FRANCE - Grenoble, le corps poétique
FRANCE - Grenoble, le corps poétique
FRANCE - Grenoble, le corps poétique
GERMANY - Schwartzenbeck
INDO-teens instal in public space
INDO- teens instal, ballons-question
INDO, teens about new technology use
INDO-yogya, 2018, teens installation
INDO- Yogya, children Shadow Theatre
INDO-Ygya, Teens installation
INDO-Yogya, children big painting
PERU-Ayac, School, balloon sculpture
PERU-Ayacucho, street perf, drawing

fr : je transmet ma pratique et mon regard sur la culture que je visite par l'intermédiaire d'atelier de création. Je n'impose aucune forme, je propose un projet qui ne prendra forme qu'avec les idées et émotions des participants.

en : I understand pedagogy as a dynamique exchange of knowledge. I like to travel and to meet different culture. Make some artistic activities gives me to know more specifically a part of a culture. It's a challenge to bring some new esthetic experience to the public I met. I can learn and test some ald and new ideas.


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